
Thursday, 4 August 2016

Poor Dory, she has short term memory!

On Saturday 23rd of July 2016, my families and I went to see Finding Dory at the movies. The weather on Saturday was nice and sunny. We went to the hoyts cinema at Sylvia Park. It took us 30 minutes to get there.

When we first arrived there, we went to buy some snacks from Pak'n'Save. We bought lollies, drinks, chips and chocolate. Afterwards we went to the movies. On our way to the movies, we saw my auntie and her siblings. Their names were Victoria, Chloe and Max. When we saw them, my mum asked them if they wanted to come with us to watch Finding Dory and they said, "Yes!" so we bought them movie tickets as well.

I was so excited and happy when my cousins and their mom came because I can now share my food with them. Later on we went inside the theatre and looked for our seats. When the movie started, I took out my lollies and my chocolate. When we finished eating all of our lollies, we ate our chips. The chips were all delicious and crunchy.

Finding Dory is about a small, light blue fish with yellow fins named Dory, who was looking for her parents whom she lost when she was a baby fish because she suffers from short term memory loss. Two clown fish named Marlin and Nemo helped Dory to find her parents.  Dory had an amazing adventure, she met a friendly octopus named Hank and she also met up with her old friend Destiny the whale. At the end of the movie, with the help of Dory's friends they found her parents, Jenny and Charlie. I liked Finding Dory because it was funny and an adventurous movie.  

When the movie finished, we went to go and play tag at the park. I was the runner and my cousin Chloe was the tagger. I had a lot of fun playing with my cousin.

Finally my families and I went home because we all felt tired and my dad needed to sleep so that he has energy for work the next day.

My favourite part of the movie was when Dory found her mum and dad with the help of Nemo and his father when she was stuck in a tank full of other fish.

Learning Intention: We are learning to understand and follow the structure of a recount.
Success Criteria: I know I can do this when I write an introduction, follow by the events and then a conclusion of how my families and I went to watch Finding Dory at Sylvia Park.

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