Learning Intention: We are learning a traditional prayer Success Criteria: I know I can do this when I use blabberize to record the Act of Love prayer.
O my God, I love you above all things with my whole heart and soul, because you are all good and worthy of all my love. I love my neighbor as myself for the love of you. I forgive all who have injured me and I ask pardon of those whom I have injured. Amen.
Learning Intention: We are learning a traditional prayer. Success Criteria: I know I can do this when I use Blabbrize to record the the Angelus prayer.
The Angelus prayer: Call: The angel spoke God's message to Mary, Response: and she conceived of the Holy Spirit. Hail Mary...
Call: “I am the lowly servant of the Lord: Response: let it be done to me according to your word.” Hail Mary...
Call: And the Word became flesh Response: and lived among us. Hail Mary...
Call: Pray for us, holy Mother of God, Response: that we may become worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray.
Lord, fill our hearts with your grace; once, through the message of an angel you revealed to us the incarnation of your Son; now, through his suffering and death lead us to the glory of his resurrection. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Learning Intention: We are learning a traditional prayer. Success Criteria: I know I can do this when I use Blabberize to record an evening prayer.
God, our Father, this day is done We ask you and Jesus Christ, your Son, that with the Spirit, our welcome guest, you guard our sleep and bless our rest. Amen.